The Holy Redeemer is primarily funded by donations.  Although part of the Church of England, the congregation is responsible for raising funds to support its staff and run all its activities and church buildings. 

We very much value any support and even as little as £5 per month can make a big difference.

Click on the button below if you would like to donate now.



How could my donation make a difference?

£10 will pay for the toddler group refreshments for one week
£50 will pay for office supplies for a month
£100 will pay to advertise the Christmas services
£500 would pay to replace the church Bibles
£1000 will pay for the salary of a staff member for a month

Other Ways to Give

There are various other ways that you can give money regularly or as a one-off donation without using a bank card.

For more information about ways of giving, please email

Interested in fundraising for us? |  Donate to Building Project | Contact us

“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” . 2 Corinthians 9:7

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