Friday aLIVE
aLIVE is the midweek youth group for 11-16s. The teens come and hear about Jesus from the Bible and discuss life’s big questions. They enjoy time with friends old and new, snacks, games, and a time to think about what the bible says. Anyone is welcome whatever they believe so long as the teen is prepared to listen. aLIVE meets in the Parish Hall on Churchmore Road on Fridays during school term-time, 7-8 pm. Parents or carers will need to fill in a registration form upon arrival.
Sunday aLIVE
Each Sunday the 11-14s Sunday aLIVE group meets during the 10.45 service. Come to the Parish Hall where we meet for games, chat, and read the Bible together. If your teen already follows Jesus, the group will help them get to know him better; if they are still thinking things through, it’s the perfect place to find out more.
For more information about aLIVE contact Denise.