October 5th Newsletter

photo: Gozha Net on Unsplash.com

Dear church family,

All the farms in our area were built over long ago, and we feel removed from the rural rhythms of planting and reaping.

Nevertheless, it’s a good idea to remember where our food comes from, and pause to give thanks for those who get it onto the shelves and around in the delivery vans.

Behind all of the agricultural and retail workers, stands the Lord our creator who gives us all the food we enjoy, and who is to be thanked above all. Paul writes in 1 Timothy 4:3 that God created food and marriage ‘to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received 
with thanksgiving …’

There were and are very religious, ‘spiritual’ people who, then and now, abstained from certain foods and even from marriage. And there is a time and a place for fasting in both, to free up time and energy to seek the Lord in prayer. But most of the time, and at harvest time particularly, marriage and food is to be enjoyed with thanksgiving and celebration with family, friends, and loved ones in the community.

So, come and join us this Sunday 9th October for our harvest service and lunch in the hall after. We’re having a simple soup and bread lunch to celebrate harvest, in recognition that two thirds of the world don’t have enough food, while our one third has too much. At the lunch there’ll be an opportunity to give to the Barnabas Fund, helping Christians in Pakistan after the recent floods.

Also, join us for the 90 anniversary celebrations on the 15th October from
2pm – 5pm in the main Church building. There will be plenty of burgers, cakes and other delights at ridiculously low prices, at the family and community celebration for the building being 90 years old. As well as refreshments, there are games for all ages, live music and ‘join-in’ demonstrations from groups which meet in the Parish hall. Scouts have a knotty problems stand, and there is a chance to see more about the history of the church, and spot your road as it looked almost a century ago. 

I hope to see you and am looking forward to that,
Every blessing in Christ,


Photo: Margaret Jaszowska on Unsplash

Harvest Lunch this Sunday 9th October

After a harvest service in the church building at 10.45,
please bring along some soup or bread for a simple lunch together.
Please speak to Ruth or Denise if you’d like to
contribute some soup or bread. 

Please bring along donations for Barnabas Fund who are
supporting those affected by the floods in Pakistan.

This is what your donation could buy: 
Mosquito net (one per family) £2.50
Emergency family food package to last 25-30 days £20
20 plastic sheets for temporary shelters (one per family) £28
Clean drinking water and water purification tablets for 50 families £38

90th Anniversary Celebration
October 15th

Keep inviting folk to this event. We’ve had a few changes to the programme and have more solo singers and light jazz. 

If you’d like to make cakes to go alongside the drinks on the day, please bring them along at 2pm.

Family games will kick off the afternoon from 2pm – 3pm

Food bank donations are welcome.

And a prayer that we can all be praying together: 
Lord of creation,
whose glory is around and within us:
open our eyes to your wonders,
that we may serve you with reverence
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Festival fun on the Vale

There’s so much to do all afternoon on September 10th.

Food will be priced at £1 for a burger and soft drink, and you can sit and eat this whilst listening to some beautiful saxophone music or the community choir, after you’ve had a go at the games, found your street in the photographs from the 1930s, and taken part in the all age craft.

It’s a mini festival on your doorstep!

September 10th Holy Redeemer 90 year Jubilee

On Saturday September 10th the church is holding a Jubilee anniversary of its own.
The community choir are going to sing, there will be family games, a display on the history and the future of the church, a sing along session for parents and under 5s, BBQ, cakes and live music. More to follow.
For now, save the date, and get ready to celebrate 90 years of Holy Redeemer in Streatham Vale.

Weekly Update 15/07/2021

Dear Church Family,

Living in love and faith / a better story – join the discussion
The Church of England has asked us to discuss marriage and what we think about human sexuality. It probably isn’t your preferred topic and it isn’t mine either. But it is what the media regularly raises and it is what our denomination is asking us to discuss in a project called ‘living in love and faith – LLF for short.
One of the positive things about this is that it gives us an opportunity to remember the importance of marriage in the Bible: Hebrews 13:4 says:Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure …
In the words of Ray Ortland:it’s “falling to our generation to raise up a prophetic counterculture in the face of the sexual revolution’s direct attack on marriage.” To do this we have to understand that:

  1. God’s plan for marriage is to reflect his image (Gen 1:26): The Trinity is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; they are one and yet still individual persons. When a couple gets married, they are meant to demonstrate this. Marriage demonstrates two individual people becoming “one” for the rest of their lives while maintaining their individuality.
  2. God’s plan for marriage is to raise godly children. It is not God’s will for everybody to have children. Physical issues keep some from having children. Yet, one of God’s reasons for marriage is to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). It is not just children He wants but godly children. He wants children who are holy and who want to see His kingdom advance. One of the parents’ highest purposes is to teach their children the Bible, to help them grow in character, and to help them find their spiritual gifts and calling in serving the Lord.
  3. God’s plan for marriage is for joyful, intimate companionship. God has put a desire in humankind for intimate companionship. The intimacy of the physical and emotional relationship of a couple in a good marriage is an illustration of the depth and passion of the love God has for us, his Church. God calls us, His Church, His beloved bride (Hosea 2:19), and whether married or single, this is how He loves us.
  4. Marriage is important for our discussions this autumn. Come along to: LLF / ‘A better story’ on Tuesday 21 September in the Parish Hall.  After the separation of lockdown this is a great opportunity to get together for this important 5 week series!

Your brother in Christ,

For more on marriage in the Bible –  Understanding Marriage is a great twenty minute introduction to the biblical teaching on marriage from Dr Kirsten Birkett, with an accompanying printable handout.

Zoom Prayer Gathering

Join us online as we pray for our country, church family and wider community during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

We will meet via the Zoom platform, Wednesday 1st April at 8pm.

Please use the following login details:

Holy Redeemer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 364071669

Prayer For The Day

Join us online as we pray for our country, church family and wider community during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

We will meet via the Zoom platform, Monday to Friday at 12pm for about 15 mins.

Please use the following login details:

Holy Redeemer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 943 106 572

Christmas Events 2019

Merry Christmas from the Holy Redeemer Church!

We hope you will be able to join us at one of our Christmas Events. Whether you are coming to Church for the first time, or returning after a little while away, Christmas is a great time to come along. We are a friendly church and look forward to meeting you over Christmas. At each event there will be an explanation from the Bible of the events of Jesus’ birth and we hope you will enjoy hearing why we believe Christmas is such good news.

Saturday 30th November 6:00 – 8:00pm

A Christmas event with an arts/crafts theme aimed primarily at women.

Sunday 1st December 10:45am – 12pm
Advent Carol Service

Get the season off to a festive start with our Advent Carol Service, a Sunday service particularly looking forward to Jesus’ coming.

Sunday 22nd December 6:30 – 8:00pm

An atmospheric Carol service with traditional Bible readings, carols and a talk explaining the meaning of Christmas from the Bible. Mince pies provided.

Tuesday 24th December 4:30 – 5:30 pm

Interactive carol service especially suitable for little ones, refreshments provided.

Wednesday 25th December 10:00 – 11:00 am
A short family celebration with carols, Bible talk and mince pies.

Home Group programme – Autumn 2019

Home Groups Programme


Home group Programme 2019

Tuesday Groups
Jon & Lizzy Lee’s home 

Wednesday Groups 
Lois Hagger (women only)
Vicarage 10.15am

Ian Gilmour & Nick Grindle
Vicarage 8pm

Cecil & Coral Devonish
Runnymede Crescent 8pm

Lois Hagger (women only)
Sherwood Avenue 8pm (alternate weeks)

Contact the office for more info:
020876 59923

Sept       4                             

                11                           Jn 13:1-30                              What is love?

                18                           Jn 13:31 – 14:6                       Where are you going?

                25                           Jn 14:7-14                               Who knows the way?

Oct         2                              Jn 14:15-31;   15:26-27;   16:5-16       Who can help?

                9                              Jn 15:1-17                                 What greater love?

                16                           Jn 15:18-27; 16:1-4 & 17-33      Why is it hard?

                23                           half term             

30                           Jn 17:1-26                                                 What does Jesus pray?

Nov        6                              London Churches prayer meeting

                13                           Colossians 3:1-4:1          The Christian & the Church

                20                           Colossians 3:1-4:1           The Christian & marriage/family

                27                           Colossians 3:1-4:1            The Christian & work

Dec        4                              Prayer for friends and loved ones this Christmas @ the Vicarage

                18                           Carols @ the Co-Op & mince pies @ the Vicarage

Important Dates:              Prayer 12:15 – 12:45 in the creche every 1st Sunday                                               of the month
                                              15 September – back to Church Sunday
                                              6 October – Harvest lunch
                                              8 November – EMU musicians and singers                                                              24 November – Bring and share lunch

Summer Events 2019

Bible by the Beach – 3rd-6th May

Lovewise Workshop – 19th May

Bring & Share Lunch – 9th June

Prayer & Praise Evening – 29th June

Baptisms – 7th July

Holiday Club – 24th – 26th July

Church bbq – 28th July

Video clip of our last Music Evening

For those of you who would like to be reminded, or indeed given a taste, of our Music Evenings – below is a clip from our last one, held in May.

Tamra Chan and her father, Ben, play Introduction and Polonaise from Arabesken by Carl Bohm.  Our thanks to them for providing the recording (and the performance).
