Please add comments in support of the Eardley Road planning application by using this link
development of the site will save a valuable building; preserve
the residential character of the area; provide
housing for local families, couples and single people; and
the security and character of the area for residents. The
above link is also on the church website and facebook page.
With the government’s current stand on teaching Relationships and sex educations in schools, we have decided to share this talk again so we can all be equipped.
Audio from September 2017’s event at St Nicholas’ Church, Tooting. For details click here.
Starting Friday 10th May 2019 at the Holy Redeemer Parish Hall.
Join us for a fun-filled, action-packed term at REDS and aLIVE! We’ll be meeting a bunch of curious characters in the books of 1 & 2 Samuel, part of the Old Testament of the Bible.
Games – Craft – Bible stories – Drama – Music – Sport – Snacks
Yes, by simply surfing the net or shopping on-line you can raise money for the Holy Redeemerby using Everyclick.
Here’s how it works:
Everyclick gets money for people using their search engine or shopping through their site. They then pass part of this onto us.
You can access lots of your favourite on-line shops, like Tesco, Sainsburys, Amazon, Ebay, M&S, John Lewis, Argos and more. It won’t cost you anything extra to use.
To use the search engine, use the Yahoo powered search box on the page. To maximise your use, you could make this page your homepage (click on ‘Make this your homepage’ link on the page).
To shop, visit the page and click on ‘Give now’ and ‘Give as you live’. Create an account, download the app and then shop online as normal.
How much does it raise? For shopping, between 1% to 6% of the total amount you spend goes to charity, depending on the shop. The amount from searching seems to depend on the web traffic. We did five searches and clocked up 4 pence for the church.
Try for yourself – do a search, wait 3 minutes and see how much the ‘total raised’ figure has increased.
What do Everyclick get out of it? They get money from advertising, half of the revenue from shopping and take a 4.8% cut of any bank card donations to us (that’s relatively low compared to competitors).
Spread the word!
Do pass details of the above link to your friends. Why not put the following message as a signature at the bottom of your emails? ‘Raise funds for the Holy Redeemer simply by using the Everyclick search engine –’
And there’s more…
Everyclick gives you lots of ways to raise more money for charity including:
We have a new group starting on Tuesday evenings, 6:45 – 8:45 in the Parish Hall. This group is for everyone who is musically inclined and might like to get involved in Worship, as well as for anyone who is unable to make the Wednesday group. This group will be preparing for the following Sundays readings and choosing music for the services.
Cecil & Coral Devonish’s group will be working through Life Explored, Wednesday evenings 8pm, please contact the church office for group address.
The Vicarage group will be exploring Deuteronomy, Wednesday evenings 8pm in the Vicarage, Churchmore Road.