Spring Home Group Programme 2015

Wondering what to do during these cold, dark evenings? Well get stuck into a Home Group this term where you’re sure to receive a warm welcome.

This term we will be discussing the old testament hero Daniel.

Groups run on Wednesdays from 8pm to 9:30pm. Contact Ian Gilmour for more information.


Spring Home Group Programme

Spring Sunday Sermon Programme

This term we will spend several weeks going through the encouraging book of Galatians, where we hope to increase our faith in God and his word.

We will then look at Mark during lent, and focus on Jesus incredible rescue plan as we build up to Easter.


Spring Sermon Programme

Autumn Sunday Sermon Programme

This term we will be looking at Exodus and learning about how God relates to his people both then and now,

We will hear about the Holy Spirit from Romans 8,

And we will look at the start of the Gospel of John in our build up to Christmas.

Autumn Sunday Sermon Programme


Autumn Home Group Program 2014

This Autumn term we are going to be looking at different parts off the bible to see what God has to say about Work.

We will see how to approach work from God’s point of view as we go thropugh it’s studies thinking about why work can be both fulfilling and frustrating.  Whether you are in or out of work, just come out of education or retiered, these studies will both excited you about and challenge you with God’s perspective of working in his world.

If you’re not already in a Home Group we would love you to join one for Prayer, Care and Bible Study.  Please get in touch.


Autumn Term Program

…or Download/Listen to Biographies

As we’ve studied Hebrews 11 on a Sunday, among other things, we’ve been moved and inspired by Biblical examples of faith as they’ve pointed beyond themselves to Jesus – “the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (12v2). Therefore, this summer why not download a Christian biography or two to listen to, to see more examples of how God has worked in and through regular people for his glory?


Below are two trustworthy* sites with many biographies all available for free download:

Desiring God

The Christian Institute


*Please note that we have not listened to all of the talks on these sites and therefore cannot vouch for all of them.  The Holy Redeemer takes no responsibility for content on other sites.

Recommended Biographies for your summer

As we’ve studied Hebrews 11 on a Sunday, among other things, we’ve been moved and inspired by Biblical examples of faith as they’ve pointed beyond themselves to Jesus – “the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (12v2). Therefore, this summer why not pick up a Christian biography or two, to see more examples of how God has worked in and through regular people for his glory?


Here are book recommendations from the staff team (click on any title to go to 10ofthose.com to make a purchase):


On My Way to Heaven, Mark Ashton, £2.99

Mark talks frankly and movingly about facing death with Christ as he experiences terminal cancer.  Very good to give away to friends and neighbours.  Length: very short.


Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce, John Piper, £3.94

Read how Wilberforce was driven by the gospel to bring out the end of the slave trade and great changes in the moral life of Great Britain.  Length: short.


Shining Like Stars, Lindsay Brown, £5.99

A heart-warming look at the spread of the gospel amongst and by students around the world.  Length: medium.


A Fistful Of Heroes, John Pollock, £7.19

28 short inspiring biographies of Christians from the 16th to 19th Centuries.  Length: medium.


Secret Believers, Brother Andrew, £7.55

Written as a novel but based on true stories, a fascinating insight into life of Christians who have converted from a Muslim background.  Length: medium.


Run Baby Run, Nicky Cruz, £7.55

The compelling testimony of the work of Christ in saving a former New York street gang leader.  Length: medium


Out of the Black Shadows, Stephen Lungu with Anne Coomes, £7.55

The wonderful story of a troubled and violent young man in Zimbabwe who was converted when he went to fire bomb an event in town with a travelling evangelist.  Length: medium.


Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, John Foxe, £7.64

Stories from the 1st to 16th Century of Christians who have been called to make the ultimate sacrifice for Christ.  Length: medium.


The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert, Rosaria Champagne Butterfield, £8.54

Read about the dramatic conversion of a well-off English professor.  Length: medium.


The Unquenchable Flame, Michael Reeves, £7.89

Not strictly a biography, however, a brilliant read.  Mike takes us through a brief look at the Reformation – what happened and why it matters.  Length: medium.

Flyer printing

Twice a year we aim to flyer the whole parish (3000+ homes) with Christmas invitations and Holiday Club invitations.  For these flyers we use print24 (https://print24.com/uk/).

We can wholeheartedly recommend their printing service in terms of quality, affordability and prompt delivery.


Holy Redeemer Day Away (audio now available)

‘Go and Make Disciples’

Saturday 7th June @ Emmanuel Church Wimbledon

The Holy Redeemer annual day away this year focused on how to be a disciple-making church.  We gathered at Emmanuel Church Wimbledon and enjoyed two terrific talks by Jonathan Fletcher, former vicar of Emmanuel.  The day had a very wet start but by the end of the morning brightened up, so after being fed by God’s word and by lunch kindly prepared by Lynn and Ian Andrews we went for a lovely walk across Wimbledon Common.  The day was rounded off by tea, discussion and prayer.

Then on Sunday morning, Jonathan spoke for us again, delivering a third talk on our theme of being a disciple-making church.  All three talks are now available to download from our talks page.