Summer 2014 Home Group Plan

Prayer and Bible study groups are held at various church member’s homes. The aim is for people to grow in their love for God and for each other through studying his Word. Groups run on Wednesday’s from 8pm to 9.30pm. Contact Ian Gilmour for more information.

This term we are looking at God’s promises and how he keeps them as we take an overview of the whole Bible in 9 sessions.  Come along to get a better grasp of God’s faithfulness as we see his unfolding plan of salvation in the Bible.

Download Home group plan Summer 2014

Sunday Morning Summer 2014 term card

Available for download or from the information desk at the back of the Hall is the Summer term card detailing the readings for our regular Sunday morning services at 9am and 10.45am.

This term we’re focusing on chapters 10 to 13 of the letter to the Hebrews.  We’re praying for our eyes to be fixed on Jesus so we persevere to the end as we run the race of faith.

Term card Summer 2014

Real Lives (audio now available)

1st April 2014

real people . real issues . real God


CDs available (at cost) for £1 only

Read Holy Redeemer copyright

21st March 2014

A big thank you to everyone who came to Real Lives at Holy Redeemer.
Content from the evenings will be posted here shortly.

30th January 2014

real people . real issues . real God

Where is God in pain and suffering?
Lisa’s story
Tuesday 4th March 2014 8-9pm

Where is God in broken relationships?
Janet’s story
Thursday 13th March 2014 8-9pm

Where is God in the nine-to-five?
Ben’s story
Monday 17th March 2014 8-9pm

Come and hear about life experiences we all share and how Jesus Christ can transform them.  Each evening a local Christian will be interviewed about how following Jesus has given them hope, comfort and purpose.  Our interviewer Chris Knowles will then talk a little more about who Jesus is and how he could transform your life.  Light refreshments will be provided.

Each evening is free, no need to book.  Come for just one or come to all three.

The venue is The Parish Hall on Churchmore Road.


Real lives is part of A Passion for Life 2014 – churches working together nationwide to make Jesus known this Easter.

Sunday Morning Spring term card

Available for download or from the information desk at the back of the Hall is the Spring term card detailing the readings for our regular Sunday morning services at 9am and 10.45am.

This term we’re studying the book of Romans.  We’re praying for our hearts to be stirred by the gospel of grace so that as a church we would be ready and active in sharing our faith.

Sunday term card Spring 2014

Spring Home Group Plan

Prayer and Bible study groups are held at various church member’s homes. The aim is for people to grow in their love for God and for each other through studying his Word. Groups run on Wednesday’s from 8pm to 9.30pm. Contact Ian Gilmour for more information.

This term we are looking at the Psalms.

In March the Home groups will be taking a break so that we can focus on our Real Lives evenings, which are a part of a Passion for Life, giving people opportunities to come and hear about the difference Jesus makes in life’s ups and downs – watch this space for more information!

Download Home group plan Spring 2014

Sunday Evening Preaching programme now available

The programme for the bible talks in the 6pm service  is now available to download or take away on a Sunday.

This term we are looking forward to hearing God speak to us through John as we hear it preached in the Evening services.

Why not pick up or download a term card so you can read ahead at home beforehand?


6pm Summer Preaching Programme

Sunday Morning Summer Preaching Programme now available

The programme for the bible talks in the Sunday morning services (9am and 10:45) is now available to download or take away on a Sunday.

This term we are looking forward to hearing God speak to us through Romans, 1 Kings, and Colossians as we hear them preached in the morning services.


Why not pick up or download a term card so you can read ahead at home beforehand?


Summer Preaching programme 2013



Work Day for the Church Anniversary

On the weekend of the Church Building’s 81st Anniversary a team of volunteers gathered for a working party to do some practical jobs in and around the buildings


In the morning we began to tackle the rather neglected looking garden surrounding the church building. After a few hours of chopping, raking, weeding and planting the garden looks a little more cared for . There is still more to do and we hope that another working party in the spring and a much needed new fence will help to tidy up the outside of the building.

In the afternoon (after some lunch and a few more volunteers arrived) we headed inside the Parish Hall to do some indoor jobs. A team got to work mending and moving the creche cupboards while others did a deep clean of the kitchen or got up ladders to get rid of cobwebs and dust on the high windows and beams.

Thanks to everyone for all your hard work.



New Format for the Horizon Club

Horizon Club is the Holy Redeemer midweek group for those at home during the day. It meets for spiritual and physical exercise with bible talk and discussion as well as an exercise class for all abilities. Recently some changes were made to the Horizon club timings and format. The leadership team decided to change things around so that we meet at 12:30pm on a Tuesday for Bible talk and discussion and start the exercise class at 1pm. This change seems to be suiting everyone so far with lots of members enjoying the bible talks from Marks gospel this term (pictured above). The exercise continues to be a big hit with the group and is great fun as well as a really good workout. If you are at home during the day on a Tuesday and would like to join us we would love to meet you.

Autumn Home group plan

This term in our home groups we are thinking about the topic of the church. We are linking the Home Group teaching with the Sunday morning series. This is a great opportunity to get the most out of Sunday sermons by discussing them together and talking and praying about how we can put them into practice.


Autumn Home Group Plan

In Home groups we meet together to study the Bible and pray for one another. There are various different groups meeting in homes around the area. If you would like to join a Home Group, please speak to Ian or contact the church office.