Update on Building Work

The Holy Redeemer Church building has been unusable since 2007 due to a leaking roof. Restoration on the building began in the summer of 2011. Updates on the renovation work will be posted on this page.

A second application

January 2016

After review during the squatters’ occupation, the PCC concluded further planning advice was needed.

Savills have been appointed to prepare a second planning application, with further architectural advice. We hope to re-submit Summer 2016.

Our vision for the Eardley Road project continues to be:

1. To provide substantial funding for the main building development – although further fundraising is also necessary.

2. It is hoped to retain some residential accommodation to support Gospel ministry here into the future.

Addressing the Issues

March 2015

At the church AGM we were given an update on the conversion application, kindly presented by Charles Hayward.

We learnt that there we 3 reasons the plans were rejected.

1. Some windows may overlook other properties.

2. Cars would have to back out of the parking areas onto a busy road.

3. We haven’t made sufficient efforts to find new commercial tenants.

The first two issues have been address by adjusting the plans to include some obscured glass and re-arranging the parking bays so that vehicles can turn on the premises.

However, the third issue is tricky.  We now have to prove the property is not financially viable for commercial use which will involve another report and also put the property back on the commercial market for a further 3 months.  They hope to re-submit the plans to Lambeth Council this summer.

Please pray for the Trinitas team as they prepare to re-submit the application and also that when the time comes God will move Lambeth Council to allow it to go through.

Church Tidy Up

March 2015

This month members of the congregation gave their time on three consecutive Saturdays to tidy up the inside of the main church building. This was a great success with a lot of junk removed and we even had the man power to give the vestry a new coat of paint.


February 2015

Sadly we discovered that some people have found their way into the vacant 160 Eardley Road building and have started living there.  The Church has now got a court order to evict them and are waiting to be given a date by the bailiffs. Afterward they are evicted we will need to improve the security on the property.

A New Cross for the Church and a Red Cross against the Plans.

September 2014

The cross was fixed but at a cost of £1875, less than originally quoted but still a significant bill.

Sadly the planning application for converting 160 Eardley Road into flats was rejected. However work has been continuing since on a re-submission which will address the council’s stringent requirements.

Does English Heritage think our Church Building is as Great as we do?

July 2014

Discussions were started about the potential to apply for the main church building to be listed as an important sight. If it was granted ‘Listed’ status it would open up the potential of funding from other bodies.

Weather Warning

January 2014

The Cross on the main church building was damaged in a storm. This led to lengthy discussions with the insurers.

Another Challenge

Dec 2013

A further set back occurred when copper was stolen from the roof of the main church building. Following this a video alarm system was fitted to prevent further thefts.

Trinitas Join the Project

November 2013

Nick Lee-Evans, the main architect for the ‘Plans to Serve’, recommended Trinitas CIC (Communitiy Interest Company) join the project to enable us to bring together 160 Eardley Road and the main church building under one project manager. Incorporating the services of Stephen Sharp as Project Manager, Charles Hayward as quantity surveyor and David Steward as Planning Specialist.

A New Vision for 160 Eardley Road

Easter 2013

Left with vacant possession on 160 Eardley Road our architect for the ‘Plans to Serve’ project, Nick Lee-Evans, conducted a feasibility study demonstrated that the building could be converted into 7 flats of various sizes, which would generate income for the main church project. Detailed plans for these flats were prepared and a planning application was submitted.

 Eardley Road – A Problem and an Opportunity

September 2013

160 Eardley Road has been part of the Holy Redeemer assets since it ceased being a church and for that time has been a source of significant rental income supporting the churches ministry.

The tenants renting 160 Eardley Road flagged up trading difficulties and after trying every avenue to keep afloat moved out of the building. They left with significant rental arrears and without paying dilapidations; leaving the building in poor condition.

Firming Plans

July 2012

A lot has happened since our last post in February. The consultations with our neighbours and church members has been very positive and our plans have been modified accordingly.  The main changes related to the phasing.  You can view the updated plans below and on our plans page.


The fundraising has gone well.  So far we have received around £26k from personal donations.  We are very grateful for people’s generosity. We have a Summer Fair planned on Saturday 15th September. But we still need to raise an additional £40k before approaching grant bodies. If you could help with this, we would be pleased to hear from you.  See one simple free way you can help here.

The next stage is an informal meeting with the church’s planning body, the DAC, who will need to approve plans.  Once we have discussed the plans with them and got an updated costing, we will go out to tender to draw up detailed plans for the work.

‘Plans to Serve’

February 2012

Plans for the renovation of the Holy Redeemer have arrived from the architect. He has produced three options for us to consider along with a costing.

It is very exciting to see the plans and these will be displayed at the launch of our ‘Plans to Serve’ project on 3rd March.

Residents and church members are invited to the launch party at Granton School Hall, Granton Road on Saturday 3rd March

4-5pm public meeting for local residents- there will be light refreshments served and a chance to view the plans, take a tour of the church building and see displays of the church’s history.

5pm onwards Church Family and friends celebrate the 80 year anniversary and the launch of the project with a buffet supper and talk from Jonathan Fletcher of Emmanuel Wimbledon.

Do invite friends and come along to celebrate with us and give feedback on the project.

Window of hope

January 2012

At the beginning of the month, things seemed to go from bad to worse. Having discovered leaks in the roof, a significant amount of water was found under several large windows after a storm with strong winds.

The architect’s conclusion was that a lot of the windows had loose panes of glass. The cost of repairs was a concern, but we found a glazing specialist who can do the repairs at a reasonable price. It will be a big job but it is good that we discovered this problem before any internal work began.

The leaks in the roof have been traced to various small cracks in the asphalt roof and these will be repaired at no cost to us by the contractor that did the original work.

The other goods news is that Nick Lee Evans Partnership has been appointed as architect to do the feasibility study for the next stage of development.  The firm has considerable expertise in ecclesiastical architecture and the conservation of historic buildings.

The good news and bad news

December 2011

The good news is that our restoration and development brief has been sent off to three Architects this month.  They will provide us with a costing for carrying out a feasibility study, which will look at possible designs and the cost of implementing our development ideas.   The study should start in January and be complete by the end of February.

Leak at HR

The bad news is that after the heavy rain we discovered that the church roof is leaking.  The roof was repaired in July so it is a set back to find that it is still leaking.  We initially discovered two leaks, which were then repaired. However, two further leaks were discovered after more storms.  We will get the leaks checked and repaired as soon as possible.

The long dry-out

October 2011

Fuel truck

After 4 years of inactivity, the large oil powered air heaters in the main church were fired up this month to help the church dry-out.  The plaster inside the church will need about a year to dry before it is possible to assess the damage and begin repairs.

One of the two boilers had to be promptly shut down as it began to over heat and the paint on the casing began to burn.  The plan is to run the remaining heater for a few hours a day with dehumidifiers to help the drying process.

HR Boilers

The two oil tanks can hold 300 gallons each and the heating units can burn up to 3 gallons an hour.  With oil costing 70p a litre, running the boiler for 4 hours a day will cost around £260 per month.  That is another good reason to consider alternative sustainable heating sources in the new development.

If anyone can lend the church a dehumidifier to help with the long dry-out, please contact the office.

Next phase planning

September 2011

The Vision

Following a series of consultation meeting, we have developed a draft vision statement and specification for the development of the Holy Redeemer. In summary our vision is

To renovate the Holy Redeemer Church into a modern space that is attractive, versatile and sustainable for a variety of church and community functions, while preserving the character of the church for posterity‘.

Although it is unlikely that this development work will begin for some years, the planning needs to happen now so that any structural changes – like upgrading the electrics – can happen when the plastering is done, hopefully, next year.

Church members are still invited to comment on the draft plans. The next stage will be for the architect to produce concept drawings and do a feasibility study.  Meanwhile, we will need to raise funds.

Phase one complete

July 2011

The first and urgent task in restoring the Holy Redeemer church building was to make it water tight.

Damage caused by theft
Damage caused by theft

This work was completed in July 2011 by Farnrise Construction under the supervision of Carden and Godfrey Architects. The 10 week project included the following:

  • Replacing cooper sheeting on the main roof
  • Repairing asphalt on the flat roofs
  • Deepening the gutters on the main roof
  • Repairing and painting the church tower
  • Installing a water proof membrane under the tower
  • Repairing and painting the windows
  • Installing experimental metal flashing to the windows
  • Repointing some of the brick work

The works were successful but eventful: we had three attempted thefts of metal from the roof during the works, resulting in one arrest. We therefore had to take steps to increase security at the church, which included fitting permanent security lights.


Repairs to main roof Gutters made deeper to increase drainage

More photos


The first phase of the building work was funded through the sale of a church property.  This will also meet some of the cost of phase two, which is estimated to be about £550,000.   The Southwark Diocese has also given the church a small grant.  But a considerable amount of money will need to be raised for the final development.

Various fund raising events have been planned, including a Summer Fair. Individual donations are important and people can raise money in small ways through using a search engine and shopping online.  But we are looking for people to come up with more fundraising ideas and organise events.

Do speak to Ian about your fundraising and building development ideas or post your comments below.


Donate through CAFOnline

More on the project. The Church’s history. More on finance

Summer home group plan

Home Groups start on Wednesday 25th April.  This term we will be studying part of the book of Mark.

The groups meet in people’s homes from 8pm.  If you would like to get involved in a group, do speak to Ian.

Home Group Plan



There are lots of opportunies to get involved in church.

Here are just a few:

  • Serving tea and coffee at the 9am or 10:45am service
  • Operating the powerpoint during the 10:45am service
  • Helping in the office with admininstration tasks
  • Welcoming people at services
  • Cutting the grass and keeping the grounds tidy
  • Doing odd maintenance jobs around the buildings like painting

Rosie. Photo by Ian A.

If you can help, even as a one-off, email the office: info@holyredeemer.org.uk.

Here’s a verse to reflect on, 1 Peter 4:10.

New website launched

To mark our 80th Anniversary year we have launched a new website.

You are looking at it.  Welcome!

The site provides information about of all our news, activities and upcoming event.   The website theme is responsive, which means that it adjusts to the size of an iphone or tablet.  We have also changed the primary domain name from holyredeemerstreatham to the shorter holyredeemer.org.uk.

Let us know what you think by posting a comment below. Any suggestions for improvement or information about broken links are welcome.

Our history | Plans to Serve 80th Anniversary project


Video of Hip Hop Night

Watch the highlights of Dying to Live? – the Hip Hop night that was held at the Holy Redeemer on 19th March 2010.

The evening featured The Rescued, E.Tizz and New Direction Crew.  Around 120 people came to hear the music, including a MOBO award winning artist.  Si ended the evening by explaining John 3:16.You can also see photos of the evening here.


The film by Katy Brock is unfortunately no longer available.

Find us on Facebook

The Holy Redeemer can be found on Facebook ®

Image by Gauldo, Flickr

Facebook® is a social networking site with more than 350 million active users.   Alot of people spend a lot of time on the site (often when they should be doing other things!).   The site provides an easy way to keep people up-to-date with our news and to invite friends to our events.

How does it work?

The Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed from the Holy Redeemer Church website will now automatically updates the Facebook® page with our news.   From time to time we will also post details of events, videos and photos of life at church.

Isn’t there already a page on Facebook®?

There is a Holy Redeemer Streatham ‘group’ rather than a ‘page’.   A ‘page’ is more versatile and can be linked up to our news feed.  To avoid confusion, the old group will now be called ‘Friends of the Holy Redeemer’ and can be used by current and past members to keep in touch.

Keep up with our news by becoming a ‘fan’.

Image by Gauldo, Flickr. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.

The Bible-in-a-year Challenge

The challenge for the new year is to read the whole Bible in a year.

In our series on the Bible at Cafe Church last year (listen), we saw that ‘scripture interprets scripture’ –  that is, the difficult parts of the Bible are usually explained by the clearer bits of the Bible.  A good way to better understand the Bible, therefore, is to get to know more of it.

Bible-in-a-year is a way to help you do this.  The readings are grouped together to help you see the links between passages and they are divided up so that you can read through the whole Bible in a year.  It is a great way of reading or listening to the Bible and takes about 15 minutes a-day.

Here’s how

There are at least two ways you can do it: On-line. You can read and or listen to the Bible in a year on-line.   Visit the website below and it will give you 3 daily readings. Use the same computer, and it will keep track of your readings so that you can pick up where you left off.  Alternatively you can create a ‘Feed’ to deliver the readings to your computer everyday. Click on the ‘One year’ button below to visit the website.

Click here for more

Year Bible. Another way you can do this easily is to buy a One Year Bible.   A year Bible is the same as a normal Bible but, again, it groups readings together under date headings.  There are various publishers that produce these – one example is below.  Alternatively, if you like using your Bible, you can print off a list of readings for the year here.

Click here to buy

Click here to buy

Take the challenge

Why not take up the challenge? You could listen to the day’s passage in your lunch break on your computer at work.  You could try reading the Bible in another translation.  It will take discipline to keep doing this throughout the year, and you may need to catch up on daily readings that you miss.  But committing to do it with others helps.

Sign-up on the Holy Redeemer website (leave a reply below). See who’s already on the list below, and ask each other how you are getting on during the year.

Christian Resources for Children

Following the last Families’ Lunch, a list of Christian Resources for Children was compiled from those materials recommended by church members.

Download list

The Families’ Lunch happens once a month to encourage parents to bring up their children to know and love Jesus.  For details of the next lunch, see the ‘What’s happening’ section of the website

Let us know what useful Christian Resources for Children that you have used. Post your recommendations below.

Paul and Jesus: An Unholy Divide?

paul-and-jesus, picture by epape

Did Paul create Christianity or simply follow Christ?

Many people find Paul’s teaching difficult. It is often argued that Paul changed the message of Jesus – for the worse: he replaced Christ’s message of love with a dogmatic gospel of his own that is altogether less tolerant.  Did Paul create an unholy divide between Christ and Christianity?


In the Channel 4 programme, The Hidden Jesus, Robert Bexford argues that he did (see below).


The Talk

In an excellent talk given on Sunday 26th April , Dr David Wenham explains why the evidence does not support this view.

Click here to listen

Dr David Wenham is Vice Principal of Trinity College, Bristol, and is also chairman of the New Testament Group of the Tyndale Fellowship.  He is a leading scholar on the relationship between Paul and Jesus and has lectured internationally on the subject. After studying theology in Cambridge and Manchester University, he taught New Testament in India and then at Wycliffe Hall and the University of Oxford for 24 years.   His publications include, Paul: Follower of Jesus or Founder of Christianity?, The Parables of Jesus, and Paul and Jesus the True Story.

iiDr David Wenham is Vice Principal of Trinity College, Bristol, and is also chairman of the New Testament Group of the Tyndale Fellowship.  He is a leading scholar on the relationship between Paul and Jesus. After studying theology in Cambridge and Manchester University, he taught New Testament in India and then at Wycliffe Hall and the University of Oxford for 24 years.

His publications include, Paul: Follower of Jesus or Founder of Christianity?, Paul and Jesus the True Story and The Parables of Jesus.


What is the Didiche and does it contradict the Bible?

The word ‘Didiche’ means ‘teaching’ and contains early Christian teaching.  The date of the document is uncertain but is probably around AD100.  There is certainly some overlap between its teachings and the New Testament – for example, it refers to the ‘two ways’ of living and the ‘Lord’s supper’. But its silence on some issues does not add up to a contradiction as Bexford suggests; as with the letters of Paul, it is not trying to give us a complete account.

Is there any evidence that the apostles accepted Paul’s teaching?

Paul tells us that he went to Jerusalem; he presented and explained what he was preaching and the leaders of the church gave him the ‘right hand of fellowship’ (Gal 2:9)- they approved of it. That is Paul’s account. But the apostle Peter talks of Paul’s writing in his second letter and says that some of his writing is ‘hard to understand’ (be encouraged those of you who find some his letters difficult!) but some people twist his words ‘as they do the other scriptures’ (2 Pt 3:16). So here the apostle Peter accepts that Paul’s writings are the same as the scriptures. There is also the historical fact that church accepted Paul’s teaching very early on (not after Constantine as some claim), despite the fact the he used to be a persecutor of Christians.

How do we know that Christianity was not based on the ‘mystery religions’?

The Greek mystery religions do have some ideas parallel to Christian ideas, e.g. myths of gods dying and rising, sacred meals, etc.  But the Christians did not get their ideas from these pagan religions, but from first century events in Jewish Palestine. So, where did the idea of Jesus dying come from? The disciples saw him die on a Roman cross outside Jerusalem!  The last thing that one would invent is the idea that your messiah would be crucified. Crucifixion was a shameful, degrading punishment used by the Romans.  Crucifixion was not in the mystery religions.  Again, the idea of Jesus resurrection came not from a mystery religion but from the disciples’ experience of seeing the risen Jesus. And the Lord’s supper was originally a Jewish Passover meal.

How can we be so confident in the date of 1 Corinthians in the Bible? Listen by clicking here.

What are the best books on the reliability of the New Testament?

I ought to know the answer to this question, but am not sure that I do!  I would suggest three to start with:

The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable by F.F. Bruce.  The professor under whom I studied wrote this some years ago. This has been reissued and is a good book.

Is the New Testament Reliable?: A Look at the Historical Evidence by P. Barnett. This is a more recent publication by an Australian who is a very good scholar of ancient history.

Why Trust the Bible?: Answers to 10 Relevant Questions by A. Orr-Ewing.  Amy lives just down the road in Peckham and his written this popular but useful book.

Click here for more about Christianity Explored


More talks?
