Holy Week Meditations

This year Holy Week is very different to what we are used to due to the current COVID-19 outbreak and resultant social isolation.

In instead of our daily 12 pm prayer time we thought it would be helpful to have a series of daily meditations, from John’s Gospel, as we follow the Easter story from Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem on a donkey, through to Jesus’ death and glorious resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Here is a YouTube playlist of all the videos in the series – why not subscribe to us, and click the notification bell to be informed when each daily video is released.

Zoom Prayer Gathering

Join us online as we pray for our country, church family and wider community during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

We will meet via the Zoom platform, Wednesday 1st April at 8pm.

Please use the following login details:

Holy Redeemer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 364071669

Coronavirus Update 4

Dear Church Family,

We’re just about getting used to the ‘new normal’. Personally, I’ve found the second part of last week very challenging, getting used to zoom conference meetings and live stream and recorded Church services, and Denise to being a teacher with the children at home. I’m sure you’ve had plenty of challenges of many kinds too. I’m very thankful to dear brothers and sisters who have helped me through this.

The Lord is always at work for good, and being uncomfortable can strangely be more fruitful than being comfortable. It tends to make us more aware that our lives are in the Lord’s hands not our own, and that we depend on him for everything, and that this world is not our home. 

The situation does put a strain on everyone however. Especially those who are living alone. And those who are already battling with mental health – which is probably most of us to some degree. The loss of contact with loved ones and friends and anxiety about our present and future provision of necessities and the fear of the virus, and grief for the loss of the way of life that was familiar and has now been lost … all of these are normal experiences in the present crisis, and should not be confused with a decline in our mental health – but do put the pressure on.

There are several ways we can stay healthy. One of the best is to stay in touch with family and friends and Church family. As a staff team, we’ve been working on ways of doing this and are aiming to be in touch with everyone regularly to make sure that you are Ok. This regular update is one of the main ways of keeping in touch.

In addition, the recommended advice is to limit exposure to the news and media which are enough to make the most robust of us a bit low spirited. Far better to limit ourselves to one 15 minute news brief a day, and enjoy more time listening to the music we enjoy and reading and doing the things we wished we’d had time to do before all this started – it’s a great time to decorate and clear out the shed and the loft and cook and bake and … 

And above all to have more time with the Lord – to read the bible, and Christian books. And to explore the treasure trove of Christian resources that are ‘out there,’ for adults, children and families. Here are some:

Colin Buchanan’s excellent work: 

And from Christianity explored ministries:


And, there is a wealth of good things for every age and stage on Clayton TV 

And some reading suggestions: 

Reading the New Testament in 3 months.  Bible Reading Plan 

And if you’d like to do some extra reading on God’s Sovereignty Where was God when that happened by Christopher Ash is an easy and encouraging read. 

And finally, adopt the discipline of being thankful. Yes, things are stretching. But knowing the Lord, we always have things to be thankful for in His fatherly love for us (do listen to Paul’s sermon on the Lord’s prayer in last week’s service) and the many blessings he gives us. To be thankful is one of the distinguishing marks of the Christian. And it’s one of the best medicines for mental health, along with good food, exercise, sleep and fellowship with the Lord and one another. Colossians 2:5-6 makes this point:

‘So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Thankful to be – your brother in Christ,


Prayer For The Day

Join us online as we pray for our country, church family and wider community during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

We will meet via the Zoom platform, Monday to Friday at 12pm for about 15 mins.

Please use the following login details:

Holy Redeemer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 943 106 572

HR Coronavirus Update 3

Dear Church Family,

The whole world feels like it has changed. We were used to thinking and traveling globally, and are now confined to our own homes. Our world has shrunk; even a trip to the park is a trip too far unless we’re going to exercise. In some parts of Europe, a permit is required to be more than 200m from home.

I wonder how you are coping with it? Some are taking it in their stride. Others are worried and anxious; much depends on our personalities and circumstances.

My thoughts are with those who are most isolated, and those most financially and medically vulnerable – social distancing makes the lonely more lonely. The economic crash makes financial pressures greater still; many worry about putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their head. Others are all too aware of the health threat.

In this update, there are suggested ways to connect with each other, to pray and help each other.

And information about applying for assistance through the local council for personal and business financial assistance.

With all this in mind, I’m encouraged by Paul’s example in Philippians 1:12-26. He is in prison, under threat of execution. He is unable to travel.

His ‘normal life’ routines were on hold. He depended on friends for food. And His life was in danger. What did he do?

He took the opportunity of sharing the good news of Christ Jesus with the Roman soldiers guarding him so that ‘it became clear to the whole palace guard and to everyone else that he was in chains for Christ (1:13).’ His boldness for the gospel encouraged others in the Christian family to ‘proclaim the gospel without fear (1:14).’ And he remembered that knowing Christ Jesus as Lord made death itself a friend: ‘for me to live is Christ, to die is gain (1:21).’

He looked death in the face and said ‘I desire to depart (ie die!) and be with Christ, which is better by far.’

Because he was confident that life with Christ after death is ‘better by far,’ he was able to face the dangers and difficulties he was in and continue to love and serve the people around him.

Let’s pray that by God’s grace, we’ll be like that!

Your brother in Christ,


HR Coronavirus Update 2

Dear Church family,

Following government guidelines, we won’t be meeting on Sundays or mid-week until further notice. The service will be available online.

I’m sad that I won’t see you, Church family each Sunday. But the Lord is in charge of His Church and His World. Christ Jesus says ( Matt 16:18 ) ‘I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.’ And He says ( Jn 10:27f ) ‘My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.’

All things, including the ‘bad’ things, are under our Lord’s control. He is shaping and using all things for His good purposes. This includes thinking freshly about the ways we communicate and meet together. It is always best to meet face to face. The sooner we get back to this the better. Meanwhile, we can communicate digitally. The Sunday service will be available online and we’re planning an online homegroup. More on this soon.

This is a time of opportunity. Loving care for one another and the people of the community around us will be noticed. It will commend the Gospel. If you are self-isolating or know of a friend or family member who needs help, please contact the Church office: info@holyredeemer.org.uk and we’ll get in touch and help.

Prayer changes things. Christ Jesus says: ‘apart from me, you can do nothing.’ Nothing of eternal value that is. Please pray for this land at 1 o’clock and 7 pm each day. Pray for healing from the Corona Virus, and for those affected by it medically and financially. Most of all pray that the Lord will use this situation for our spiritual benefit. Pray for the Lord to open the spiritual eyes and ears of many to see and hear the good news about His Son, Jesus. Pray that by the end,  His Church HRS will be bigger and stronger.

Your brother in Christ,


HR Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Many of us feel ‘on the horns of a dilemma’ – on the one hand the need to meet together to encourage one another, and all the more as we see the Day (of Christ’s return) approaching (Hebrews 10:24). On the other hand, those who are more vulnerable or have vulnerable family and friends, are conscious of the additional risk of coming to Church.
There is no right or wrong answer. Our circumstances are different. After prayerful thought we need to make our own decisions.

We are working on Live Streaming our Sunday service and will have this option available as soon as this Sunday or next. While this is a good thing in this emergency, it is much better to meet face to face to encourage one another, pray, sing and to hear God’s Word together. The Church is people, and people meeting together is better than meeting remotely. Please pray that this virus increases our commitment to meeting together because it shows us what a privilege it is to be able to do this.

Christ Jesus has given us (John 13:34) ‘A new command: love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’ The virus gives us a great opportunity to do this. Pray and seek out 2 or 3 other members of the Church; arrange to contact each other regularly (weekly?) and pray for each other. And ‘adopt’ a vulnerable brother or sister and pray for them, checking up on them regularly.

Many are frightened by the danger to life and health that the virus poses. Many more are worried about the financial implications of losing their incomes as businesses slow down or even close down. Let’s be praying for each other, and for our neighbours. Only those who trust in Christ are able to pray to God as Father. This is a time to ask our neighbours if they might like us to pray for them?

We have the security of eternal Life with Christ Jesus, and are ‘always to be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks us to give the reason for the hope that we have, and to do this with gentleness and respect.’ (1 Peter 3:15) Lets pray that we live through all these fears and worries so differently that we’ll be asked to explain who makes us different.

Your brother in Christ

Ian Gilmour

2 Ways to Live

We are currently doing the 2 Ways to Live series on Sundays, as well as in our Home Groups.

Here is a taster of what its about.

Christmas Events 2019

Merry Christmas from the Holy Redeemer Church!

We hope you will be able to join us at one of our Christmas Events. Whether you are coming to Church for the first time, or returning after a little while away, Christmas is a great time to come along. We are a friendly church and look forward to meeting you over Christmas. At each event there will be an explanation from the Bible of the events of Jesus’ birth and we hope you will enjoy hearing why we believe Christmas is such good news.

Saturday 30th November 6:00 – 8:00pm

A Christmas event with an arts/crafts theme aimed primarily at women.

Sunday 1st December 10:45am – 12pm
Advent Carol Service

Get the season off to a festive start with our Advent Carol Service, a Sunday service particularly looking forward to Jesus’ coming.

Sunday 22nd December 6:30 – 8:00pm

An atmospheric Carol service with traditional Bible readings, carols and a talk explaining the meaning of Christmas from the Bible. Mince pies provided.

Tuesday 24th December 4:30 – 5:30 pm

Interactive carol service especially suitable for little ones, refreshments provided.

Wednesday 25th December 10:00 – 11:00 am
A short family celebration with carols, Bible talk and mince pies.

Home Group programme – Autumn 2019

Home Groups Programme


Home group Programme 2019

Tuesday Groups
Jon & Lizzy Lee’s home 

Wednesday Groups 
Lois Hagger (women only)
Vicarage 10.15am

Ian Gilmour & Nick Grindle
Vicarage 8pm

Cecil & Coral Devonish
Runnymede Crescent 8pm

Lois Hagger (women only)
Sherwood Avenue 8pm (alternate weeks)

Contact the office for more info:
020876 59923

Sept       4                             

                11                           Jn 13:1-30                              What is love?

                18                           Jn 13:31 – 14:6                       Where are you going?

                25                           Jn 14:7-14                               Who knows the way?

Oct         2                              Jn 14:15-31;   15:26-27;   16:5-16       Who can help?

                9                              Jn 15:1-17                                 What greater love?

                16                           Jn 15:18-27; 16:1-4 & 17-33      Why is it hard?

                23                           half term             

30                           Jn 17:1-26                                                 What does Jesus pray?

Nov        6                              London Churches prayer meeting

                13                           Colossians 3:1-4:1          The Christian & the Church

                20                           Colossians 3:1-4:1           The Christian & marriage/family

                27                           Colossians 3:1-4:1            The Christian & work

Dec        4                              Prayer for friends and loved ones this Christmas @ the Vicarage

                18                           Carols @ the Co-Op & mince pies @ the Vicarage

Important Dates:              Prayer 12:15 – 12:45 in the creche every 1st Sunday                                               of the month
                                              15 September – back to Church Sunday
                                              6 October – Harvest lunch
                                              8 November – EMU musicians and singers                                                              24 November – Bring and share lunch