Church Bring & Share Lunch


Our next Bring and Share Lunch takes place after the 10:45am service on Sunday 24th April. All welcome! Contributions of main dishes, drinks, salads, sides and desserts are all appreciated.  Contact the church office if you have any questions.

Hope to see you there!

Annual Meeting 2016

Holy Redeemer’s Annual Meeting takes place on Sunday 10th April after the 10:45am service.

Come along to hear about the past year in church life, hear what plans have been made regarding the coming year, and give feedback on both (there will be a handheld roving microphone so you won’t need to come to the front).

Only those on the electoral roll will be eligible to vote on decisions that affect church life.

Music Evening

This will be a wonderful evening of music to raise money for the ‘Plans to Serve’ building project.

There’s going to be lots of different performances by church family members and friends.

You can now buy tickets from Jack Knightly: adults £5, children (under 18) £2.  Please also email Jack ( if you could perform something.

Contact the Church Office

Carols by Candlelight


Carols by Candlelight will be held on Sunday 14th December at 6:30pm

It is a traditional carol service where we will be singing all our favourite carols, hearing bible readings telling the story of Jesus birth and a talk explaining what Christmas is all about. Members of the church have formed a choir and are hard at work rehearsing carols to sing with you as well as a gospel number to perform on the evening.

We hope you will join us at this special evening to celebrate Christmas.

Mince pies and non-alcoholic mulled wine will be served after the service.

Working Party & Spring BBQ


On Saturday 28th April from 10am to 3pm we will be having a working party to do various jobs around the church.

We need people to join us to help tidy up the garden and grounds.  If you can make it, please come to the Vestry on the day.

No gardening expertise or otherwise required!  However, if you have gardening gloves and a trowel or fork they would be useful to bring along.

There will be a bbq between 12 – 1pm, please bring a donation of salad as all other food will be provided.






Prayer Power Point

Our monthly church prayer meeting is happening on Wednesday 25th April in the vestry at 8pm.

Join us to pray for the world, the church and individuals in need.  All are welcome.
