All are welcome at this special Sunday Service to remember those who have given their lives for the freedom we enjoy today. The message will be preached by Squadron Leader Dr Andrew Hill.
The service will start at 10:45am and we encourage all to get there on time since we will be observing a 2 minute silence at 11am.
Please also note that there will be no 9am service this week.

Our next Bring and Share Lunch takes place after the 10:45am service on Sunday 10th June. All welcome! Contributions of main dishes, drinks, salads, sides and desserts are all appreciated. Contact the church office if you have any questions.
Hope to see you there!
In the second of our Mental Health Awareness evenings Alan Wenham will be speaking to us about how we as a church can be helping each other when affected by mental health issues – how it can affect us, how we can try to eliminate the stigma so often sadly associated with it – all from a Biblical viewpoint. We will also be hearing from those who have first hand experience, and there will be a chance to ask questions to a panel of people with experience of dealing with mental health issues.
Please note: Light refreshments will be served at 7:30pm, with the event proper starting at 8pm.
Free to attend.
‘Link up Lunch’ takes place in the homes of Church members. The next one will be on Sunday 9th April (Palm Sunday) after the 10:45am service. To host or be hosted sign up in Church this Sunday or contact julia@holyredeemer.org.uk

Saturday 24th December 4pm-5pm
Children’s Carol service
Join us at the Parish Hall for an interactive Carol Service especially suitable for little ones, with refreshments provided afterwards.
Also check out our corresponding Facebook event.
This will be a wonderful evening of music to raise money for the ‘Plans to Serve’ building project.
There’s going to be lots of different performances by church family members and friends.
You can now buy tickets from Jack Knightly: adults £5, children (under 18) £2. Please also email Jack (jack@holyredeemer.org.uk) if you could perform something.
Contact the Church Office