Little Nippers was for children from birth to school age and their parents or carers.
It was led by Ruth & Niccola who met at Little Nippers when their girls were tiny Little Nippers themselves! Many of the toys changed week by week, alongside the craft which ranged from lovely take home pieces, to painting and creating that helped develop fine motor skills in little people’s hands. From cars to dinosaurs, houses to an alien space station, there was something for everyone.
There was a short singing time with refreshments for the children at 10.30. Throughout the morning there were a range of teas, coffee, hot chocolate and lovely biscuits available to the adults.
Little Nippers used to meet during term times from 9.30 – 11.30 every Monday. However at present it is not running due to a lack of available staff to run it.
We are planning on running twice-termly events for families in its place. If you would be interested in attending these, keep an eye out on the main page of the website or contact us to be added to a contact list for these.
The first of these events will be taking place on the weekend of 19th-20th October 2024 to celebrate Harvest.