9:00am Holy Communion back in September
A traditional communion service with sermon.
We meet in the Vestry accessed from the side of the church on Churchmore Road at 9am. This is a small quiet service and you will be given everything you need on arrival. Everyone is welcome.
10:45am Word Alive
A service for all ages with a friendly atmosphere and sermon.
To see what to expect, watch one of our previous service here.

November – April we meet in the Parish Hall
There is a small crèche where the service can be heard.
May – October we meet in the church building
In the main building, there is a small room near the Vestry with some toys which will soon be linked up to hear the main church service. There is also a space with sofas near the refreshments area at the back of the building if you would like to make use of that.
Sunday Reds: Both primary and younger secondary school age groups meet in the hall or vestry whilst the service takes place in the church. We start together and then the children head out after about 15 minutes. Once a month we all learn together in the main service.

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